Once every now and again, a story comes along that really speaks to my heart. My initial response to this particular one was… “I need to share this and help in any way I can.”
It occurred to me, though, that I needed to ask permission to share this story. … So I did.
While waiting for their response, I wondered how I would feel about sharing a story of my own family in a similar situation. My thoughts took me to the conclusion that, as a community, it creates warmth, compassion and understanding to reach out and share in times of need. What a great lesson to share with our children and future generations!
So this is the story of little Lina. There is a fundraiser for her and her family this coming Saturday, March 5th. Please find details below as well as Lina’s Story.
I will be donating a photo session package for the silent auction as well as a framed print of..”Lavender Bee” which will be framed in my handcrafted Barn-Wood Frame.(Read the story first then see the photo below)
If you are unable to personally attend this event but would like to make a donation, please let me know and I will point you in the right direction.
In love and light,
The Story of Lina
Lina Marie Palethorpe was born with a Neuroblastoma cancer. It is a paraspinal tumour that has extended into her lower spinal column putting pressure on the lower spinal cord and kidney. She was 6 weeks old when she was diagnosed, and has now spent half of her life at BC Children’s Hospital. She has completed 2 rounds of chemotherapy and has had 2 blood transfusions. She is a trooper, and was smiling from a young age, despite being very sick at times from the treatment. Lina is such a happy 3 month old baby who smiles whenever the pain from the cancer or the treatment allow it. Her smiles make this difficult journey easier and give us hope and strength.
Right now we are waiting for re-imaging next week to determine the effectiveness of the chemo, and what the next steps of treatment are.
Lina’s older sister Frieda has been affected by all the change, lack of routine, and fear for her sister. She is coping too in her own ways, but has always remained very supportive of her younger sister’s fight against the disease, despite losing being the sole focus of her parents with the arrival of her younger sibling, and then the immediate move down to BC Children’s & Easter Seals this December & January. Once we find out about the next steps of treatment for Lina, Frieda will get counseling to help her with the anxiety she has developed now.
Some facts & figures about Neuroblastoma:
Neuroblastoma is the most common cancer in infants and the third largest paediatric cancer (behind leukemia and barin tumours).
Approximately 50-75 children a year are diagnosed with neuroblastoma in Canada and at the time it is found, over 50% of patients have disease which as spread beyond the primary tumour. It is responsible for about 12-15% of paediatric cancer deaths and has the lowest survival rate out of ALL childhood cancers.
We know we still have a long and difficult road ahead of us but Lina is hungry for life and we hope she will kick this cancer in the butt 😉
Thank you so much for everything. Your support means the world to us!!!!!!
Lots of love,
Mike & Kati
A wonderful lady by the name of Annie Martinello is organising the following Fundraiser to help this family while dealing with such challenging times:
Annie’s details are as follows:
The event I am planning to put together in support of this family is an afternoon of 2 by donation Yoga classes (a mom & baby class and a hatha flow class) followed by a chanting circle and meditation; then closing the event with an open door silent auction tea and snacks. It will be on Saturday March 5th starting at 1pm – 5pm at The Yoga Studio on 2nd ave.
If you would like to donate a gift certificate, basket or item for the silent auction please email me or phone me (my details are on the card attached). Also if you are interested in donating something to the family personally I can take it to them or pass their personal information to you. I have attached a sheet if you are donating something towards the silent auction please fill out the top and call or email me when it is ready and I will pick it up.
Thank you for your support ~ Om Shanti/Peace ~
Annie Martinello RYT
Sacred Light Yoga
HYPERLINK “mailto:sacredlightyoga@hotmail.com” sacredlightyoga@hotmail.com
1pm ~ 45min Mom & Baby Yoga Class
2pm ~ 1hr 15min Hatha Flow Class
3:30pm ~ 15-20min Chanting Circle & Quiet Sit
Classes are all by donation
4-5/6pm Open door Silent Auction Tea & Snacks
Event Lead by Annie Martinello RYT
Susan Carmody
Lavender Bee