Hmmm now there is a title hey? Given that today is the day the world seems to go crazy about LOVE.
Today I felt like writing, as that is in my heart, often as much as my photography. Somehow, though the writing doesn’t very often make it to the keyboard or paper, it is in my head, heart and thoughts but then can drift away.Sometimes the words come back, sometimes they don’t.
I have been thinking quite a bit about what it is I love more than anything in the world(I love asking kids this questions btw, as it gives such cool facial expressions for photos I think!).
How does the heart connect with love? When we love something intensely it can cause our heart to race, skip a beat, flutter and all in all giving an amazing feeling.
I think the heart has a direct link to the smile as I often catch myself smiling at things then feel a warm, glowing feeling in my heart. At least that’s what I prefer to think of it as .Technically it may be different.
I have been checking in with the question “what do I love ?”a fair bit lately in order to help me write this blog post.I couldn’t come up with one single thing, instead I came up with many. The imagery and answers(and yes there are indeed MANY things I LOVE go figure!..)goes something like this…
warm summer breeze, yo-yos(the cookie, or biscuits as we would call them in Australia),sound of crickets, the soft breath of my sleeping children,my husband(this was the first thought I had but felt like writing it a bit later),the sparkle in my young children’s eyes, lindt chocolate, my son’s wiggly tooth,fresh pesto,a good movie,flannel sheets when it’s below 0 degrees C!, alpin glow, fresh air,strong latte, just a normal size one not too much milk:) and hot! a good shiraz, music(eclectic taste, too many to mention), running,how my daughter can light up a room,live music,travelling,my dog June,butter chicken,other languages,a good cup of tea and I mean a good one! hanging out with my family, reading,making pizza,sharing photoshop stories with my dad,smoothies,yoga,homeopathy,good health, tickling my children and their resultant belly laughs,flowers,hugs,rebar cookbook, a good funny story, chatting, making stuff,the occasional glass of guinness, jigsaws,baking cookies(and eating them!),growing vegies,ned and simon(some of you know who they are!!)sewing,crunchy apples,snowboarding, photography,Lego, a coffee and cake with my mum,rainbows,trees, shopping for my kid’s birthdays,chocolate brownies…
the feeling of being loved…sigh
Really, it is endless,
it makes my heart feel full to brimming with the knowing of how much there is in my life.
As can be seen from my list there are many things out there to love ,
so go ahead and think about your own loves, and LOVE them, really appreciate them,
feel real gratitude for them.
feel special.
Happy Valentines Day.
See below for an additional conversation I welcome you to join…
I am so fortunate.
As you can see from my ramblings above I do love food! If I didn’t have a husband,children, a photography business, the great outdoors beckoning me to explore yadayadayada…I would most probably spend most of my time in the kitchen. Instead I take delight in trying some of the local fair, in particular I have been testing out the locally made brownie, not the packaged, mass produced kind, but the type that comes from testing, love of baking and desire for a great product!
So far I have narrowed it down to 3 locations here in Squamish, there are quite possibly more, in fact I am sure there are more…so I want to find them!
My question that I will put out there is where do you shop for the perfect Chocolate Brownie that is made on the premises in Squamish?(sorry to those of you outside of Squamish, if there is enough interest we can take this further perhaps?)
Send me a comment via this blog, my facebook page or direct message me on twitter with your 3 favourites in order of preference and who ever matches with my top 3 and is received first will be treated to a complimentary one on one photo session just for you.(This is a new product I am offering)
OK so if you are not like me and you are not able to supply me with 3 favourites, then I will narrow it down to the person who has the same top favourite as mine! But I would LOVE 3!!
Xoclatl (sp?) is by far the best. They are chocolatiers after all!!!! Bean at brackendale is pretty good as well.
I Love Brownies too 😉
here comes my list..
1.around the world cafe in Brakendale
2.sunflower bakery
3.golden crust